- Experience of Connection with text vs. Analytic Critique of formal prose
-unity and self disintegration
"why" finds no answer, lack of justifiers
- Nietzsche
Will to Power- notes:
4.Advantage of Christian
-moral hypothesis-grants man an absolute value as opposed to transient, meaningless existence.
-morality as antidote against practical theoretical nihilism.
-truthfulness cultivated by nihilism
6."Insofar as we believe in morality we pass sentence on existence"
-universe as transitional stage
-pessimism as analytic
-value judgements are ways of turning one's back on the will of existence
11. problem-what is morality
-nihilism as state of mind, product of searching for meaning and not finding it, aims at nothing and finds nothing.
+ (faith in meaning although at times it appears meaningless, process of becoming as meaning)+
unity-form of monism, infinitely valuable whole
12. passing sentence on this whole world of becoming as deception invent a world beyond, a true world, disbelief in any metaphysical world.
+(aim of science, unified theory of being?)+
13. Categories of reason. Man's hyperbolic naivety -positing himself as the meaning and measure of the value of things.
+(a Christian would not posit himself as such, but rather posit the Messiah, God's grace, as the measure and meaning of things)+
13.hypothesis of nihilism- there is no truth, there is no absolute nature of thing nor a "thing it itself"
+(art history talk, desire in contemporary art for not the thing that points but, a "thing in itself, side thought)+
-lack of any reality, not true world no truth
15. belief, "every belief is a considering something true." Nietzsche is posing that we are desiring that we need a narrower abbreviated simplified world..
+(We can believe in a truthful world, w/o empirical knowledge of such, faith)+
+(Current state of things seems to be that through the plenitude of ideals presented to man, in our modern age, the individual is left to wrestle with his subjectivity, and can pick and choose, with help of his imagination which ideals are most suited to aim his life towards-this may or may not be an illusion.
I believe there is a truth and this truth of an infinite nature is surely incomprehensible to me, in my finite faculties. I trust that aiming, through self reflection, analytic fist and foremost of my subjective accepted realities, striving for truth, accepting that i may never get there, but, in the words of David Dunlap, I am "trusting in a far shore". This is not a disregard of other for we must face the reality of the "other" and come to terms with our juxtaposition to others. I must come to terms with my current state of finiteness and feel I can come to know quite thoroughly the totality of the "other"-which may or may not be true. With my subjective stance regarding this one could never really assert to fully know the other. But certainly can more clearly know the totality of a finite being compared to that of an infinite being. I accept that my finite faculties, can not have complete access to thee knowledge of the infinite. However I can trust and believe that in it's existence, and striving forward can have hopes in this realm but a hope in the understanding of knowledge of and infinite unity would require part of me to be of infinite nature.)+
+(In regards to ideals, I have seen beauty)+
+(death, suffering- unideal / (objective) nature/life- ideal)+
+(a true reality, a thing in itself, a thing that doesn't point to something else. Nature, life IS. God say's I AM.)
+(a faith w/o a why-letting the why drop.)