Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It hasn't even been a week

I am studying science
Studying the essence of structures
One probably shouldn't use words 
If one is unclear of their meaning

Clarifying for the sake of clarifying
structures of natural formations
the line is getting fuzzier now

This began as an in depth search
A study of geometry 
of the secular and the spiritual
Inspired by the way things are tied together
A search for the Metapattern

Setting up a place for connection
in a place that elsewhere would be illegal
The human body listens for the ocean
with a seashell to the ear
an exterior symmetry to the interior cochlea 
stay in that space that waves oscillate

One must find this empirical knowledge
It must be objective right?

Distill nature to it's essential structures
With infinite variation, within a finite set
What is left to be known?
Within the experiment
It's a matter of matter

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